Here are some examples that will help you understand how to apply ‘orale’ correctly. Since this word’s meanings vary depending on the context and the tone of voice, in this case, we use it when we’re frustrated and we need something done quickly.

Órale is widely used as a way to urge people to do something, as a result, we can translate it as ‘come on’ or ‘hurry’. In this context, it will be translated as ‘ okay’ or ‘sounds good’. It can also be used to show agreement or approval about a certain situation. And if you want to express disappointment, you could also translate it as ‘wow, ‘okay’ or ‘it’s good to know’. When showing surprise or admiration, it means ‘wow’ or ‘oh my God’. Since ‘órale’ is used to express many types of emotions, its meaning and translation will be determined by both the context and the person’s tone of voice.